The more that you know about replacement windows, and even entry doors, you’ll be in a better position to choose the right ones for your El Dorado Hills home. There are many different types of replacement windows that you can choose from for your home. We’ll cover a number of these in this article, but you can also always have custom designed and built windows, if that’s what you need and you’re willing to pay for them.
As for doors, there are about as many different types of entry doors as there are homes throughout the country. Front doors, patio doors, French doors, side doors, and much more are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
The Most Common Window Styles and Types
So let’s focus on windows. The most common type or style of windows that you may have within your home include:
- Single hung
- Double hung
- Single casement
- Double casement
- Double hung with cut-ups
- Double hung with cut-ups with an arched window atop
- Picture window
- Picture window with casement windows on each side
- Picture window with double hung windows on each side
- Circle window
- Hexagon window
- Half moon window
- Triangle window
Some of these windows, especially the last four, are pretty self-explanatory, but let’s take a closer look at these most common window styles and types that you will find in the average home.
Single hung – This window will slide up. The bottom of the window is the part of the window that slides up and down. If you have a window that is like this, but the top half also opens, then you have a double hung.
Double hung – This window slides up and down to open. The top and bottom half of the window will both open, depending on what you want to achieve with the outdoor air or breeze. These windows today are generally easy to clean from the inside (both the inside and outside) and they are the most common type of window that people have in their homes.
Single casement – The casement window is one that opens from either the side, top, or bottom by angling outward from a hinged portion of the window. They open usually with a crank handle, though you can also find different types of handles to open them.
Double casement – The double casement is just like the single, but you’ll have two casement windows side by side. They may open parallel to one another or in contrast (opposing directions).
Double hung with cut-ups – These windows are double hungs that have cut-up frames on the glass that make it appear as though the window is actually a series of smaller windows making up the entire window. There could be 8, 10, 12, or even more ‘cut-ups’ per window.
Double hung with cut-ups with an arched window atop – Just like the double hung window with cut-ups, this one will also have an arched window atop it. This arched window would be the half moon style window.
Picture window – This is a stationary large pane glass window that tends to create the illusion of a picture frame. It is usually accompanied by casement or double hung windows on either side, though it can be a stand alone.
Picture window with casement windows on each side – As noted above.
Picture window with double hung windows on each side – As noted above.
Bay window – This window will be large, like a picture window, and will extend outward from the house. It will generally have three component windows, two angle outward and a picture style window between the two.
Bow window – The bow window will have an arc to it, creating a ‘bow’ appearance similar to the bay and picture windows.
Circle window – Pretty much as it sounds, this will be a window in the shape of a circle. It is a common feature for higher ceiling rooms or entry ways to invite light into the area without having to be concerned with corners or opening and closing the window.
Hexagon window – Similar to the circle window, this is in the shape of a hexagon (six sided).
Half moon window – A window in the shape of a semi-circle, this is common over certain other windows or even over doorways.
Triangle window – A window in the shape of a triangle, this can complement most other styles of windows, depending on the room and what the homeowner is looking for with regard to design.
What to Do with this Information
Once you have an idea of the different types of replacement windows that are common in homes and available, then you can begin to take stock in the current windows that you have within your home. This should be able to give you some insight into the different things that you can do, such as completely replacing your current series of double hung windows that are in your living room with a large picture window bordered by two casement windows that are topped with a half moon window. This would invite more light into the room, creating a more open feel and letting you take advantage of the incredible view that you may have through those windows.
The more that you know about the different replacement windows and doors that are available, it should be able to help you narrow down your options and that will help you find the ideal windows for every room in your El Dorado Hills home.
If you still have questions about what options are available and to determine if you can expand your window space in certain rooms, contact a window professional who will be willing to come to your home and determine if there are any restrictions with regard to your home, such as load bearing walls, and more.
You’ll find that most window options are possible and you’re only limited by your budget and imagination.
Replacement Windows & Doors FAQs
In El Dorado Hills, CA, Do I Need a Permit to Remodel Doors or Windows?
Yes, replacing windows does require a permit. That’s what Section 310 of the 2022 CA Residential Code and Section 1030 of the 2022 CA Building Code both specify.
In El Dorado Hills, CA, Are There Options for Decorative Glass in Entry Doors?
Of course! El Dorado Hills suppliers provide unique designs, beveled glass, and stained glass as well as other ornamental glass options for entry doors. These might provide the entryway to your house with a special and individual touch.
Is it Possible to Get Unique Spaces in El Dorado Hills, California, Custom-Sized Windows and Doors?
Yes, a lot of companies do offer bespoke sizes to accommodate certain arrangements. If you provide the supplier with precise measurements, they can make windows and doors that meet your exact specifications