Southgate Glass Only Sells AAMA Certified Windows.
Look for the gold AAMA label before purchasing your windows.

What does AAMA certification mean? Approximately 60 percent of all residential windows and doors now sold in the U.S. carry the AAMA certification label. In order to earn AAMA certification for their products, manufacturers must agree not only to submit products to independent testing, but also to unannounced in-plant inspections of their production lines in order to prove that the product being tested in the lab is the same as the product coming out of the factory. AAMA also leads the industry in thermal testing and certification, playing a key role in qualifying ENERGY STAR® compliant products in the marketplace. – See more at:
In addition to selling AAMA certified windows, our lead installers are all AAMA certified.
The program is specifically designed to help installers:
- Avoid costly callbacks
- Improve energy efficiency
- Work more efficiently, optimizing both time and energy
- Maximize product benefits for happier, more satisfied customers

Southgate Glass is EPA Certified
Beginning April 22, 2010, federal law requires that contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb more than six square feet of paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified and trained to follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination.
- FACT: Lead exposure can harm young children and babies even before they are born.
- FACT: Even children who seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.
- FACT: You can get lead in your body by breathing or swallowing lead dust, or by eating soil or paint chips containing lead.
- FACT: You have many options for reducing lead hazards. In most cases, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard.
- FACT: Removing lead-based paint improperly can increase the danger to your family.
Health Effects Of Lead
Childhood lead poisoning remains a major environmental health problem in the United States.
People can get lead in their body if they:
- Put their hands or other objects covered with lead dust in their mouths.
- Eat paint chips or soil that contains lead.
- Breathe in lead dust, especially during renovations that disturb painted surface
Lead is more dangerous to children because:
- Babies and young children often put their hands and other objects in their mouths. These objects can have lead dust on them.
- Children’s growing bodies absorb more lead.
- Children’s brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead.
If not detected early, children with high levels of lead in their bodies can suffer from:
- Damage to the brain and nervous system
- Behavior and learning problems, such as hyperactivity
- Slowed growth
- Hearing problems
- Headaches
If not detected early, children with high levels of lead in their bodies can suffer from:
- Reproductive problems (in both men and women)
- High blood pressure and hypertension
- Nerve disorders
- Memory and concentration problems
- Muscle and joint pain
If you would like more information on Lead Paint please visit the EPA Website