When you get replacement windows in Folsom, CA, there are a lot of choices to make. First, you might choose the material and then, the window style. Then, you’ll choose the colors and the hardware and other details. There are also upgrades to consider for the windows on your house. Those upgrades generally help the efficiency of the home, but they can also be for aesthetic reasons. While there’s nothing wrong with sticking to the standards, some homeowners are enticed by the various upgrades. Before you move forward on an upgrade you may not really need, ask yourself if you really need that particular upgrade. Here are a few examples.
You Don’t Need Low-E Coatings If You Don’t Get Sun
If you have a lot of afternoon sun streaming into your back windows, by all means, get low-E glass coatings. But if you live in a treed area and your house is always shaded, the low-E coatings might be a waste for you. This upgrade puts a thin, metallic coating on the glass that bounces the heat of the sun out of the home instead of allowing it in with the sun. You get the natural lighting you want, but none of the heat or UV rays that usually comes with it. If your home is in the full shade, you don’t have to deal with that obstacle and this upgrade isn’t the right one for you.
You Need Triple Pane Glass To Block Noise
If you live in an area that has a lot of traffic or other such noise, one of your window replacement goals might be to dampen that noise and restore the peace and quiet into your home. To do that, you might consider the upgrade of triple pane glass. Double pane glass is standard and it can do a lot, but adding another pane of glass and a space between those panes can really take away the noise that you’ve been hearing inside. This upgrade might feel like a must-have to meet your goals.
You Need Inert Gas Fillings For Efficiency
If you are downright sick and tired of your home always feeling hot or cold and your HVAC running overtime to try and help, you might want windows that are the most efficient option possible. If you have the money in the budget, there’s nothing wrong with getting the inert gas filling upgrade to go between the glass panes. This will give you the height of efficiency and help you forget about old, leaky windows completely.
When you are ready for replacement windows in Folsom, CA, there are a lot of upgrades to consider. Before you jump on all of them, or none of them, only to regret it later, examine your home and it’s specific needs to get the right upgrades to help you meet your goals. The professionals at Southgate Glass are happy to give you an in-home consultation in order to help you figure out the best options for your situation.