There are many different ways that we can approach certain decisions that we make. Depending on the investment that we’re looking at, we will tend to take more time to go through these decisions. When you’re talking about replacing the windows or doors in your Fair Oaks home, then you can either make a quick decision that could end up costing you more money over the long-term, or you could approach the process more deliberately.
In order to understand the best approach, let’s talk about the four common ways that other homeowners in Fair Oaks and the surrounding area look at replacement windows and doors.
The 4 Most Common Ways that People Think about Major Home Improvement Purchases
1. The Cheapest.
The ‘cheap’ homeowner is the one who will be focused solely on the cost of replacement windows and doors. This individual, or family, isn’t going to be concerned so much about the quality of the windows or doors that they purchased for their home, nor are they likely to be thinking much about energy efficiency.
When this person sets out on a home improvement project, even if it’s renovating their kitchen or some other part of the house, they will ask how much something costs first, rather than trying to figure out what would work best within their home.
The ‘cheap’ homeowner is the one who will be counting their pennies and congratulating themselves on how much they saved, not realizing how much they’ve missed out on with this opportunity.
2. The Tentative, I-Don’t-Quite-Know-if-I’m-Ready-for-This-Yet Approach.
This kind of homeowner will kind of, sort of, have an idea that they think that their windows are old and it might be best to get them replaced … someday, but they aren’t quite sure if now is the right time.
There could be any number of reasons why someone would approach buying replacement windows or doors with this mindset. It could be that they are worried about the economy, their job, the real estate market, their finances, and so many other potential reasons.
Still, they are going to begin the process, more so that they have an ‘idea’ about how much these products costs. They will likely balk when they begin to sit down and look at the cost of replacing all of the windows and entry doors in their home.
This type of homeowner will more likely hold off on making any decision for another year or two, or until something happens and they have no other choice but to make that decision.
This type of homeowner will miss out on some great opportunities to improve the comfort of their home, as well as the energy efficiency. When you think that it’s time to seriously think about replacement windows or entry doors, then it probably is. If your windows are more than 10 or 15 years old, then you could be spending more time and energy trying to open them or keep them clean, and you are likely spending a lot more money every month during the winter and summer to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.
3. Get-It-Done-as-Fast-as-Possible.
This type of homeowner is one who wants to get the job done as fast as possible. Like the cheapest one, they aren’t going to invest much effort into shopping around to find the ideal windows for each room in their home. Most likely, this type of homeowner will just be content with replacing their current windows with the same size and style.
This can lead to many missed opportunities. When you are going to replace the windows in your home, that provides you with an incredible opportunity to completely change the look and feel of every single room in your home.
For example, you could have a couple of double hung windows in your master bedroom that overlooks the flower gardens in the back of your property that you’ve spent years building. These windows will obscure picturesque views. Why not consider what a bay window could do to open up that bedroom and create amazing views?
When you are focused on just ‘getting it done,’ then you’re going to have many missed chances to actually improvethe look and feel of your house. Replacing windows and doors are one of the top 3 ways that you can improve your home. Renovating an old kitchen is another, and improving the outdoor living space is the other.
4. The Deliberate, Careful, Understand Everything First Approach.
For the homeowner who understands that window or door replacement is an investment in their home, they are going to be more deliberate with their approach. This type of homeowner is going to gather as much information as possible about the various styles of windows that are available. They are going to ask questions about the features that some offer. They are going to learn about energy efficiency and what argon and krypton gas have to offer as far as this aspect. They are going to learn about Low-E coatings on windows.
This type of homeowner is concerned about making sure that for the next 15 or 20 years they have the windows and doors that are going to improve the look and value of their home as well as the comfort.
They are going to ask questions and be careful about the window contractor that they choose. They understand that this is a major home improvement project that shouldn’t be done in haste or with an effort to save as much money as possible.
If you value your home and want the best for it and your family, then you should take this fourth approach. Be deliberate, focused, and willing to spend some time to discuss all of the options that are available for you and your home. When you come home after a long day of work, you should feel comfortable in your home, and that means you should be surrounded by windows and doors that are new, easy to open and closed, and that will actually increase the value of your house.
Replacement Windows & Doors FAQs
Can I Add Decorative Elements to My Glass Windows and Doors in Fair Oaks, CA?
Yes, many suppliers in Fair Oaks offer decorative options such as frosted or patterned glass, custom patterns, and various grille styles. Discuss your preferences with the supplier to add a personalized touch to your windows and doors.
Are There Financing Options Available for Window and Door Replacements in Fair Oaks, CA?
Many suppliers may offer financing options or partner with financing institutions to help homeowners with the cost of window and door replacements. Inquire with your chosen supplier about available financing plans.
In Fair Oaks, CA, Does Replacing Windows Require a Permit?
A permit is needed in California to replace windows and doors. This is made plain in Section 310 of the 2022 CA Residential Code and Section 1030 of the 2022 CA Building Code. Its purpose is to ensure that any home remodeling is completed safely.