After you go through all the details and choose the perfect replacement windows in Carmichael, CA, there’s one final step you have to get through—the installation. It’s a waste of your efforts if you have someone subpar install the windows. You don’t know what kind of job they’ll do, and you can’t guarantee the results. That’s why it’s important to move forward without only high-level professionals who stand behind their work.
Before those professionals arrive at your house, there are things you can do to get ready to make the job easier on them and on you. First, make sure you have a path cleared from the front door to every window that will be replaced. You might want to take up the rugs so there aren’t any tripping hazards and remove things like plants from the floors, so they aren’t in the way.
You will also want to take down any window coverings you have up over the windows. The windows have to be free and clear of anything nearby. If you have decided to get new window coverings, you don’t have to worry about putting them back up later. It’s another good idea to remove the pictures and other things form the walls around the windows. The demolition stage will cause vibration in the walls and you don’t want anything jumping from its nail and breaking.There’s going to be dust as part of the process and the installer will clean up what they can, but you’re likely going to have to go around a clean a bit when they are done. To keep that task to a minimum, move your furniture away from the walls that have windows and then cover them up with tarps so the dust doesn’t settle onto the fabric.
If you have pets and there’s a neighbor or friend who can take them in for the day, make those arrangements. It’s really better for them. Otherwise, place them in a safe location away from windows, like in a laundry room or maybe the garage. They will be afraid of the noise and you don’t want them getting underfoot or it could be dangerous for the installers. If you have children, you might want them out of the house as well. Napping children will be cranky when they can’t get their nap in around the noise.