There’s no question that any Fair Oaks, CA replacement windows you get are going to be better for your house than old, worn out windows that are failing in a number of ways. However, as long as you are going to the trouble of getting replacement windows, you may as well go all out and get the best windows you can find. After all, most homeowners don’t replace the windows in their house more than once. Since this is your first (and hopefully last) window project, you’ll want it to be just right. Here are a few ways to take standard windows to the next level.
One of the most popular ways to upgrade a window is to take the standard double pane windows to triple pane. That just requires adding a pane of glass, which gives you further energy efficiency. Keep in mind that the glass itself isn’t alone. You also get a layer of space between the glass panes. In that space, you have options and the most common is just air. But even simply air can insulate your home better and slow the movement of outside and inside air between the windows.
Whether you go with triple pane glass or stick with double pane, you’ll have at least one space between the panes to fill. Standard windows come with air between those panes, but inert gases, like argon and krypton, are denser than air. These harmless, odorless, invisible gases insulate the home even further. Argon gas is the most readily available and, therefore, the lesser of the two in expense. Krypton gas has to be created and costs more, but it is even more insulating than the argon option.
Many homeowners are adding low-E coatings to their glass, whether they go with double or triple pane glass and there are a variety of attractive reasons why they want to do that. First, low-E coatings block UV rays so those dangerous rays don’t get into the home and fade furniture and flooring. Second, low-E coatings block the heat of the sun so you can get all of the natural light you want without any of the heat that so often comes with the sun’s rays. And third, the thin, metallic coating reflects heat so the heat of the sun is reflected back out in the summer and the heat within your home is reflected back in when it’s chilly in the winter. All of those things lead to further energy efficiency, among many other benefits.
Ordinary Fair Oaks, CA replacement windows are going to bring a lot to your home, but if you have the funds, it’s even better for the house if you can take things to the next level with any of these upgrades. Talk to the professionals at Southgate Glass about the options at (916) 421-1723 or stop by our showroom to see examples in person at 6852 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95823.