When you are thinking about getting new windows, you might search around on the internet to find answers to all your questions. This can be both good and bad. First, it’s good that you’re looking for answers because that means that you want to be an informed buyer. When it comes to where to buy replacement windows, you want to know as much as you can about the process. However, you can’t always find correct information online. In fact, you might run into a lot of myths about windows in Roseville, CA. Let the professionals at Southgate Glass set you straight so you are on the right track when it comes to custom made windows.
There actually aren’t many differences between replacement windows and new windows other than the label we put on them. New windows go into new structures. It is the first time that a home or business has ever had windows installed. Replacement windows go into a structure that has had windows in it before. But the actual windows we use are the same. They are all brand new and ready for your home.
When you live in Roseville, CA, you know the weather is mild all year long, but winter definitely has more of a chill in the air than the other seasons. You may not want to open your house up to that air by replacing the windows. However, when you hire the right company for the custom window installation in Roseville, CA, you don’t have to worry. The windows are taken out and replaced one at a time so your house has minimal exposure to the colder air outside.
This couldn’t be any less true. Experts say that 70% of the energy lost in a home is lost through windows and doors. And 90% of that loss occurs through the glass itself. If you want to ensure that your new windows are energy efficient, get argon gas filling between the panes. Argon gas is thicker than air and improves insulation. You might also go for low-e windows, which can protect your furniture and flooring from the damaging UV rays of the hot, California sun.
These are just a few of the myths you may run across as you look into new windows for your home. Make sure you understand what is true and what’s just a myth before you make purchases based on wrong beliefs. If you have any trouble telling the difference, the experts at Southgate Glass are here to help. You’re welcome to give us a call at 916-476-8396 and ask any questions you have about new windows for your home. You can also set up a free consultation or in-home estimate. We’re here to help you find what you need for your home! It might be helpful to see examples for yourself as well. Stop by our showroom at 6852 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95823 and start looking!