Your energy costs can make or break your monthly bills, so it is wise to do everything to lower the overall use and save yourself money. One good starting place is looking at replacement windows in Folsom, CA. This is not an uncommon practice if you have not considered your windows a culprit in your high energy bills.
Over 25 to 30% of heat loss or gain are solely from the windows if they are not energy efficient, making a massive difference in your bill. There is even a chance that your windows can cost you money in the summertime, depending on where you live. Here’s some information on how windows can affect your energy costs.
Window Transference
Simply put, heat will move through your windows which can be costly if you keep your home heated or cooled. It can be hard to tell if there are problem areas, especially if a small crack is causing the issue. You can check the windows to see if there is an air current running through them using a flashlight and a product that emits some form of smoke, such as incense. Well, it is possible to seal some small leaks; you may need to replace the window altogether if there are too many.
In addition, when you are dealing with single-pane windows, the chances are that they will not be efficient. They tend to let out heat and let in the cold regularly, so it is recommended to find a company for a replacement to save you time and money.
Double pane windows are a great way to lower energy costs and prevent 25% of heat from entering your home, which will also help with your air conditioning use during the summer. They are also great for noise reduction from the outside due to gas between the two panes.
Low-E is an invisible coating that helps control 97% of infrared light and helps to reflect UV rays. The coding can cause the glass to have a unique color, so talk to a professional before purchasing.
Other Considerations
The simple fact is that the more layers your windows have, the more money you will save. In addition, the better condition that the windows are will also contribute to lower monthly bills. Adding in things like caulking and weatherstripping, window treatments or coverings, and storm windows will also help reduce your costs.
The Right Company for You
With all the different ways to help save you money each month on your bills, the benefits outweigh the cost of repair or replacement. Finding the right company to help you through the process step by step is priceless. Southgate glass has been in business for over 60 years and prides itself on providing you with the highest level of customer service around. If you are looking for replacement windows in Folsom, CA, let us be your first choice and assist you through the process. Give us a call today to set up a free consultation.