When you think about someone you love dearly, either your spouse, your children, or someone else in your family, there is no one reason why you love them, right? You might love their smile, their laugh, their sense of humor, their cooking and any number of other things. When it comes to new windows, there are going to be a number of things you love about them as well. But before you get to the benefits, you might ask yourself, “How do I know I need new windows?” Just like someone you love, there are a number of different answers to that question. Here are a few things to watch for in the windows on your Sacramento, CA home that can be telltale signs that you need new ones.
Do you enjoy paying your bills every month? No one does! But if your bills keep going up, even if you are turning lights off, unplugging devices, and keeping the heat and air at a reasonable level, you may need new windows to rectify the situation. Windows act as an extra layer of insulation and if your bills are rising beyond reasonable levels, it’s quite possible your windows are no longer doing their job well. Invite a professional from Southgate Glass to your home and receive their professional opinion on your windows.
Sacramento is generally nice, but there are days that are stifling hot and other days that are rather chilly. You don’t want that hot, humid air wafting across your neck as you are trying to relax. And you don’t want the cold breezes in your home either. If you’re feeling them, the windows are letting them in and you need new windows to prevent that air transfer. Give Southgate Glass a call and we’ll make recommendations so you can seal up your home fast.
Windows aren’t meant to last forever, as much as you’d like them to. If your windows look old and worn out, chances are they are affecting your house in a number of negative ways. Ask Southgate Glass for options that will make your house look nicer inside and out.
Did someone (not blaming you, here!) paint your windows shut? Are they hard to open and close? They shouldn’t be! It’s an inconvenience on a nice day, sure, but it’s also a danger. What if you need to use that window as an exit in an emergency situation? You’d better replace them to be on the safe side.
There are many other signs, but if you are asking, “How do I know I need new windows?” and you saw your situation described above, it’s time to call Southgate Glass for a free consultation. You’ll love so many things about your Sacramento, CA windows, it’s worth at least looking into the options. Give us a call today at 916-476-8396 or visit us at 6852 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95823.