Windows come in all shapes and sizes today, and you can find just about any personalized features to suit your tastes and your Folsom, CA home. Whether you want something all-white and modern or something made from Cherrywood with bronze hardware, you can get it. You can also look into double-hung or slider windows.
You most likely want your next windows to be more energy efficient than your current set and it’s always nice if they’re user-friendly as well. Double-hung and slider windows are two of the most popular window styles on the market today. They’re pretty much the same thing except one opens horizontally while the other opens vertically. However, the two styles look and function in quite a different manner. If you are going back and forth between the styles, this could help.
Double-hung windows have two movable sashes and work great in rooms with tall ceilings or a lot of vertical wall space. They are designed for performance and looks, and they are easier to clean than other styles because they tilt in so you can clean the outside from the comfort of your home. You will want to choose these windows if:
Sliding windows are horizontal and are also sometimes called glider windows. They function similarly to double-hung, but slide side to side instead of up and down. They also have a number of colors, finishes, and even opening mechanisms. You might want to choose these windows if…
Keep in mind that when you choose a window style, it doesn’t have to be an either/or deal. You can put double-hung windows in the living room, for example, and sliders in the kitchen. Choose what works best on a room by room basis and you may very well end up with some of each.
When you’re ready to make decisions and move forward with the process, contact Southgate Glass at 916-476-8396 for a free consultation. We’ll come to your home, measure the areas in question, and give you our expert opinion as to what will work best based on your home goals. You can also stop by and look at double-hung and slider windows in our showroom at 6852 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95823. It can really help to see things in person so you know what the differences are in looks and function. We’re happy to be a part of your window process!